Bruce Lee _ A Legendary Man
Bruce Lee Podcast by Gail Nobles
Bruce Lee
A legendary man.
Bruce Lee
Gliding across the sand.
Bruce Lee
His fight he has won.
Bruce Lee
A Kung Fu Champion. ….
About the Podcast
The podcast was first made and published on YouTube in 2011 without sound effects. I didn’t have the knowledge that I have today about podcasting back then. The word podcast didn’t seem popular to me like it does now. I was podcasting the whole time and did not really know it the way that I know now. Today, I know a little more about podcasting.
What I did not know a few years ago is that you can use free sounds from sites. I was lucky to find a CD with sound effects from a store. I always depended on my keyboard in order to make my very own sounds. Making the podcast about Bruce Lee, I had no Kung Fu sound effects. I knew somewhat about software to add reverb and echo. In podcasting, I did not know that some things were made legal for us to do.
Technology has changed a lot. The input plugs that I had are kind of outdated and now I use USB. The sound of my recording is a little different now than before because sometimes I didn’t know what I was doing. I learn new things everyday. I hope you enjoy the Bruce Lee podcast.