My Favorite Female Rap Group _ Salt-N-Pepa
In the 1980’s, everybody was rapping. Even those of us that weren’t in the music business, and I would sit in my room and play rap music and rhyme all day long, and my mom would say, “Girl, turn that radio down.” A lot of parents were complaining, but it kept some teenagers off the streets, and it kept me dreaming. My favorite girl rap group was Salt-N-Pepa, and in those days, it was pronounced on the radio that rap music was going to be banned, and that’s when I began to write my own rap song thinking Salt -N-Papa.
If your sister’s down, Get Up! Go see your sister. If your brother’s in trouble, Get Up! Go help your brother. Sometimes you have to put away the music and tune into the voices calling out around you. Salt N Pepe’s hit, “Everybody Get Up” left a lasting ringing in my ear with a little different tune and beat.
The Album’s cover of “A Salt with a Deadly Pepa” is saying a lot too. When I heard the album’s title, I thought, “Those girls are tough and number 1…..”
(Continuing thought through singing)
And I can go on and on and on about Salt N Pepa. I’m Gail Nobles. It’s time to get up and go until next time……….
Get Up — Salt N Pepa Demand
Though the hit, “Everybody Get Up” from Salt N Pepa was from the 80’s, I can still hear the rap trio call from long distance with just two words. Looking at the world today and hearing their words “Get Up” is a Salt N Pepa demand. They were really sending out a message telling everybody to have some spunk in life through music. In just two words, they were telling us that there are things that must be done, but most of us only heard the rap, the music, and saw the dance. But when you look around in life, you can see the hidden words to Salt N Pepa’s message.
If your sister’s down, Get Up! Go see your sister. If your brother’s in trouble, Get Up! Go help your brother. Sometimes you have to put away the music and tune into the voices calling out around you. Salt N Pepe’s hit, “Everybody Get Up” left a lasting ringing in my ear with a little different tune and beat.
The Album’s cover of “A Salt with a Deadly Pepa” is saying a lot too. When I heard the album’s title, I thought, “Those girls are tough and number 1…..”
(Continuing thought through singing)
And I can go on and on and on about Salt N Pepa. I’m Gail Nobles. It’s time to get up and go until next time……….